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Navigate Day Three and Four


Navigate is flying by! Over the weekend our companies had the opportunity to tour Marquis Milling in Rosthern, EE Grain and Makers Malt.

Read below to find out more about each stop!

Their first stop was with Russ Schroeder at Marquis Milling.

"Marquis Milling and grain was incorporated in March 2016 to facilitate the purchase of Nunweiler’s Flour Co. Nunweiler’s Flour was established in 1988.

Our production facility was originally located in Alsask Saskatchewan in 1988. Construction of our new facility in Hague Saskatchewan began in October 2018 and we started producing in the new plant in August 2019.

We use a unique process called impact milling; which produces a consistent whole grain flour. We mill only Canadian whole grain flour without separating the bran and germ from the original kernel. We don’t use additives or preservatives in our flour, simply the entire whole grain kernel, keeping all the nutrients nature intended. Our unique process produces flour that is fresh and minimally processed. We take great care to keep the milling temperatures low, typically less than 25 C which makes it a superior nutrition choice. Superior quality for optimal nutrition.

We not only believe in sustainable farming practices in regard to the environment but also believe in sustainable business relationships. We are closely connected to the farmers that produce the grain that we mill. We also strive for the same integrity in our relations with the distributors and bakeries and customers that use our flour."

They then headed to EE Grain | Contact!

Their final tour was at Maker's Crafted Malts where Matt Enns showed them around!

"Maker’s Malts was created by the farming group that is the source of its production. These farmers have been preferred malt barley producers to the industry, honing their craft over decades. The farms are located in the Sask Valley, home to the best barley producing dirt in the world. They previously sold all of their production to large multinational maltsters who used it to blend with grain from hundreds of other farms with mixed agronomic practices and fluctuating quality. The farmers submit only the top 5-10% of their barley production to Makers Malts resulting in malt barley quality that is second to none.

We are building a dedicated facility for our malting operation located in the town of Rosthern. This gives us both close proximity to our farmer’s fields and access to some of the best quality natural water in Saskatchewan. Our malting equipment is state-of-the-art and we have purchased one of the first of its kind ever produced in North America from a facility that does much of it work for the pharmaceutical distillation industry (meaning extremely tight specs!). The malting line is specifically designed for the craft brewing/distilling industries and we have spared no expense in ensuring we are able to produce a highly consistent product. Our equipment allows us to collaborate with brewers/distillers and store “recipes” specific to their requirements. The kiln has the ability to reach temperatures higher than most so that we can produce specialty malt further up the Lovibond scale without needing to perform an extra process. Our small-batch operation allows for full clean out weekly enabling us to change our batch characteristics quickly and to maximize the diversity of our products. Despite the fact that we have full control of the sample coming off the field and pre-clean the barley before it enters the malt plant, we’ve developed a post-malting line to deculm and further sort the sample allowing for an extremely high level of precision."

Day Six

We tried to challenge our Navigate Participants with a Corn Maze!

We then showed them one of Canadas traditions of carving a pumpkin and of course a ghost tour!

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