The GAAP Mentors program nurtures startup companies’ success by pairing founders with an experienced member of the agri-food industry to provide guidance, share knowledge, and foster personal and professional growth.
GAAP supports promising companies to deliver tangible solutions to Canada’s agri-food stakeholders. This support is offered through equity investment, customized incubator programming, access to workspace, equipped laboratories and greenhouses, network connections, and formal mentorship.
Abundant evidence supports the incredible impact mentorship has on the survival and success of new businesses, and on the continued skill development and fulfilment experienced by mentors. The mentoring relationship focuses on knowledge sharing and guidance for career and professional development.
GAAP believes by sharing personal experience and knowledge in an environment of trust, mentors empower their mentee to build their own success. Furthermore, mentorship is a dynamic, two-way relationship that supports both partners to learn, grow, and hone skills to be successful in work and life.