BioScout has developed a novel and patented disease sensor that can detect and count the disease-causing microscopic spores found in the air around us. This technology, alongside AI-driven analysis, provides growers with an early warning system for fungal diseases.
BioScout’s services provide real-time and pre-symptomatic disease data to end-users that ultimately saves them yield quality and quantity as well as minimizes fungicide resistance. Unlike other traditional disease detection and management methods, which can only see and react to diseases after they have spread, costing farmers billions, our airborne disease tracking platform lets farmers know when disease strikes and what they can do about it.
We are a fit to Saskatchewan; being Canada's leading producers of wheat, barley, and canola, can directly benefit from BioScout's proven ability to detect and measure key diseases in these crops. These diseases include Leaf Rusts, Septoria Tritici Blotch,Tan Spot, Powdery Mildew. Fusarium Head Blight while untested with the BioScout system could be easily integrated into our detection methods.
Many of these diseases individually can account for greater then 10% losses to the Canadian grain yield every year. Just FHB alone costs Canadian farmers over $1.5bn CAD. While better chemistry and varieties are being produced to assist with this problem there is a severe lack of real-time data for these diseases on the farm. This leaves farmers in the dark about how effective their disease management practices are. By having access to BioScout sensors and data farmers could apply fungicides at the correct critical times when spores are present, weather conditions are ripe and growth stages have been reached. More detailed value propositions can be seen in support documentation.
BioScout's benefits grow as more sensors are deployed across the region. Using a network of BioScout sensors across Saskatchewan government and industry can easily see the spread of diseases on a daily basis. This can allow for pro-active province wide alerts and disease management practices to be put in place.

BioScout is currently looking at bringing its novel technology to overseas markets with highly developed agricultural industries. GAAP presented us with an opportunity to learn about the Canadian agricultural industry and the unique challenges it faces with regards to foliar diseases.
GAAP allowed BioScout to form many useful connections and partnerships across the Canadian agricultural industry, from growers and cooperatives to government and research. These connections continue to grow and have enabled BioScout to start planning to expand into Canada.
We were able to achieve an amount of high value connections and partnerships were surprising. We were surprised and impressed by how Canadian farmers and businesspeople followed through with offers of partnerships and trials.
While it is still early days it is looking like BioScout’s participation in the GAAP program has directly led to our first international commercial pilots. We are also in the process of signing partnerships with industry bodies and research organizations.
There were synergies between knowing other GAAP companies, being able to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the Canadian market with the other companies was very beneficial. The sense of camaraderie between the companies was a highlight of the program. Getting international perspectives from like-minded companies in the agricultural space was fantastic. We all learnt a bit more about reaching markets outside of our own.
We’re very excited to be back next year to run our commercial and research pilots with our partners in Saskatchewan.